A- The artificial poppy is the most popular artificial flower due to Remembrance Day on Nov. 11. The poppy represents the soldiers that died in World War 1 The poppy movement was inspired by the poem "In Flanders Fields" written by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae of the Canadian forces in 1915 before the United States entered World War I. Selling replicas of the original Flanders' poppy originated in some of the allied countries immediately after the Armistice. The poppy reminds the community of the past sacrifices and continuing needs of our veterans. The poppy has become a nationally known and recognized symbol of sacrifice and is worn to honor the men and women who served and died for their country in all wars.
B- blue poppy, the Himalayan blue poppy has incredible colour of seeds. It is only to be expected that an elusive, magical flower like this is a little harder to grow. The secret with this plant is to grow cool and well shaded. Sowing Instructions: Sow in winter or early spring in good free draining seed compost covering the seed with a light sprinkling of compost. Place out of doors in a coldframe or sheltered spot. Keep compost moist, protect from heavy rain but not from frost which is beneficial. Leave for about five weeks then bring into warmth of 13-18C (55-65P). Growing Instructions: At two-leaf stage transplant seedlings to 8cm (3in) pots. Keep shaded from strong sunlight. Gradually acclimatise to outdoor conditions and plant out when well established into deep, moist loam in sheltered semi-shaded position, spacing the plants 46-60cm (18-24in) each way.
C- Carnation poppy: Much like the "Peony" poppy, the "Carnation" poppy is huge and fully double. The difference is the fringed edges of the "Carnation Poppy." This one is pure white. 3'-4' tall. Blooms 4"-5" across. The "California Double Pink Carnation Poppy" or for short the carnation poppy was originally from the west coast in Northern California, the flowers look very much like carnations when in bloom. The foliage is a beautiful light green color. These seeds can over-winter and are readily self seeding here at our farm. These flowers do not make a good cut flower as the petals do not last long but are most beautiful in the gardens. The lovely pink color is noticed by all the visitors to our farm. Each plant usually grows more than one flower so we have colorful blooms for about a month!
D-Drying poppies: Choose only the best flowers, since drying will emphasize imperfections. Pick late in the morning when plants are dry but not wilted from heat and sun. Select flowers at different stages of development, from buds to fully open blossoms. Flowers will open further as they dry. Blue, orange and pink flowers will retain the best color when dried. If you can't begin drying your flowers immediately, immerse them in a bucket of lukewarm water in a cool, dry place. Air Drying: All you need to air dry your flowers is a warm, dry place with adequate air circulation. Attics, potting sheds and garages are ideal. Tie 6 to 10 stems together about two inches from the stem ends, or use a rubber band to fasten them together. Your plants are thoroughly dry when the stems snap easily. This can take up to three weeks. Poppy seed-heads dry better right-side up. Simply place the plants in a wide-mouth jar or coffee can to dry. Microwave Drying You will have to test a few plants to determine the drying time. Two minutes set on "high" is a good starting point. Put the plant material inside folded paper towels, and place a dish on top of them to keep the leaves and petals from curling. Place a small dish of water in the microwave with the flowers.
E- extract opium from poppy: Opium is the substance derived by collecting and drying the milky juice in the unripe seed pods of the opium poppy , Papaver somniferum. The sap is extracted by slitting the pod vertically in parallel strokes with a special curved knife. As the sap oozes out, it turns darker and thicker, forming a brownish-black gum. The gum is collected with a scraping knife, bundled into bricks, cakes or balls and wrapped into a simple material such as plastic or leaves.
F- flower colors range from vibrant to subdued, from deepest crimson, bright orange and yellow to soft pink. Annual poppies include Flanders and Shirley. Typically, they grow 2 to 3 feet tall, bloom in late spring through summer and bear red, purple, lilac, white, salmon, peach, pink or orange flowers. They have a distinctive dark blotch at the base of each petal. Perennial poppies have more variation in size. Alpine poppies grow 5 to 10 inches tall bearing white, yellow or, occasionally, orange or red flowers. Iceland poppy grows 1 to 2 feet tall and produces orange, red, yellow, apricot, pink, salmon or white flowers. Its flowers may reach up to seven inches across above attractive blue-green segmented foliage. The Oriental poppy grows from 2 to 4 feet tall with scarlet, salmon, pink, peach, white or rose colored blooms, usually with a black blotch at the base of the petals. The foliage dies back after flowering, but begins to re-grow in the fall. All are hardy in northeast Kansas and bloom from late spring through summer.
G- growing poppies: Poppies are frost tolerant and germinate best in cool weather and soil. Seeds should be sown in a sunny site as early as the ground can be worked in the spring. Place the seeds on the ground with a fine layer of soil covering them and keep them moist, but not waterlogged. Germination occurs in 10 to 15 days. Many people mix the tiny poppy seeds with sand to make handling and spreading them easier. Thin seedlings when they are about 1 inch tall. Transplant seedlings on a calm, cloudy day and set them in the ground so the crown is just even with the surface. Give them enough spacing for air circulation to avoid disease problems. Unless the summer is very hot and dry, poppies do not require supplementary water or fertilizer. Deadhead spent flowers to keep them blooming longer and to prevent them from going to seed. Some gardeners stake taller varieties to prevent the wind and rain from whipping them.
Poppies grow well in containers since they are so drought tolerant. They add an airy touch. Be sure to use potting soil rather than garden soil in the containers to keep it from becoming too wet. Seeds may be planted directly into the container. When placing plants into a container, avoid disturbing the roots.
Pests or diseases seldom bother poppies. In fact, poppies do not like sprays. Aphids may attack young plants in bud and downy mildew, a fungus, can be a problem. Remove aphids with a hard spray of water. Avoid over-watering plants and allow plenty of air circulation around the plants to discourage fungal growth.
H- how to grow poppies in general: sow on the surface. Papaver species often germinate best at cool (50-60 degrees ) temperatures. Plants are easy to grow, but do not like to be transplanted. Sow in place where plants will grow when possible. Prefers sunny spot with well drained soil. Seeds are long lived and can last from 3 to 20 years.
I- insane clown poppy: Papaver somniferum var. "The Clown" This flower is white with red fringe, as if the Moon were wearing a red aura. The difference between this variety and the more familiar "Danish Flag" is that "The Clown" is a sturdier and much larger plant. This plant gets up to 4.5 feet/150 cm high; the flowers are 4.5 in/12 cm across and leaves can be one foot long.
J- jasper poppy: Don’t be fooled, a jasper poppy is not a flower at all. The jasper poppy is a beautiful stone with the colours of rose, white and gold intertwined in it. The stone can be found in many trinkets like earrings, necklace and or simply just polished to a perfected sphere. The stone is also said to enliven your body by throwing vortices of uplifting energy toward areas where energy flow is blocked. These vortices break up physical impediments, energetic blockages, and encrusted patterns so your body can accept more life-giving energy. Poppy Jasper acts somewhat like adrenaline, waking up and energizing areas of the body that appear to be sleeping. Wearing Poppy Jasper encourages a deeper recognition of your connection with the life of the Earth. It inspires a positive, joyful attitude and gives you the motivation and energy to take creative action.
K- keeping paferinism poppy seeds: To keep poppy seed from becoming rancid, store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. Augment the flavor of poppy seed by toasting it, either in a dry skillet over medium heat, or in a 350F oven. Stir occasionally, toasting only until seed begins to brown. Poppy seed used as a topping for baked goods doesn’t need pretoasting because the oven does the job.
L- cranberry poppy seed recipe:
Serving Size: 12 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories: Low-fat Breads
Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
2 1/2 c All-purpose flour
3/4 c Sugar
2 tb Poppy seed
1 Tbl. baking powder
1 c Skim milk
1/3 c Fleischmann's margarine, -melted
1/4 c Egg Beaters (or other egg -substitute)
1 t Vanilla extract
2 ts Grated lemon peel
1 c Fresh or frozen cranberries, -chopped
Confectioner's Sugar Glaze (optional)
Grease bottom of an 8 1/2 X 4 1/2 X 2 1/2" loaf pan; set aside. In large bowl, mix flour, sugar, poppy seed and baking powder; set aside. Blend milk, margarine, egg substitute, vanilla and lemon peel; stir into flour mixture just until moistened. Stir in cranberries; spread in prepared pan. Bake at 350^ for 60-70 minutes or until done. Cool. Drizzle with glaze if desired. Makes 12 servings.
Nutrition Information per serving: 216 calories, 172 mg. sodium, 0 mg. cholesterol, 6 gram total fat (25% calories from fat), 1 gm saturated fat, 1 gm dietary fiber.
M- making opium: The opium is mixed with lime in boiling water. A precipitate of organic waste sinks to the bottom. On the surface a white band of morphine forms. This is drawn off, reheated with ammonia, filtered and boiled again until it is reduced to a brown paste. Poured into molds and dried in the sun, it is now morphine base, which has the consistency of dense modeling clay. Morphine base is smokable in a pipe - a practice introduced by the Dutch in the 17th century - or ready for further processing into heroin.
N- Neat poppy arrangements: Poppies can add a lot to a dried flower arrangement. The poppy is unique with its strong ball look, there’s no worry that the poppies going to fall apart. The poppy doesn’t have to be the standard earth tones that are expected from a dried flower. Instead liven up the arrangement with coloured poppies. Poppies ranging in colours from blue, red, purple, gold or even silver are just the tip of the ice burg.
O- Opium Poppy is one of the most widely known poppies, besides the California Poppy. The Opium Poppy has a blue-green stem with blue-purple or white flowers. Obviously from the name 'Opium Poppy,' you can guess that the fluid found in this poppy is a major component in morphine, heroin, and opium. However, I bet you didn't know that Opium Poppy seeds are used as seasonings, oils, and birdseeds. The poppy seeds, actually, have no narcotic properties. and opium papaver somniferum plants and opium poppy cultivation. Opium is the substance derived by collecting and drying the milky juice in the unripe seed pods of the opium poppy , Papaver somniferum. Opium varies in color from yellow to dark brown and has a characteristic odor and a bitter taste. Its chief active principle is the alkaloid morphine, a narcotic . Other constituents are the alkaloids codeine, papaverine , and noscapine (narcotine); heroin is synthesized from morphine. Morphine, heroin, and codeine are addicting drugs; papaverine and narcotine are not. A tincture of opium is called laudanum; paregoric is a mixture of opium, alcohol, and camphor. Opium Poppies do best in temperate climates. That is, most everywhere. A well-drained, sunny location is best suited. The seedlings enjoy a large temperature drop at night which is why an early Spring or late Fall planting is best. Poppies do not transplant well. If using fertilizer a 5-20-5 can be used prior to flowering but is not really needed. Sow the seed thinly as the seeds are quite tiny and easily sown too thick. Invariably, a thinning will be required when the plants are about 4-6 inches in height. The plant grows in a rosette fashion. Give each plant about 5 square inches of space to reach its' full potential. They need virtually no care whatsoever. The following year, you don't have to plant because they spread like wildfire. There are invariably more unwanted opium poppies than there are weeds in my garden each year.
P- Poppyseed, also called maw seed, is not narcotic; used as birdseed and for a flavoring or garnish in baking, It is also ground for flour. Poppy oil, derived from the seeds, is employed in cooking and illumination and in paints, varnishes, and soaps.
Q- Quality of poppies: Clean and naturally dried is key for poppies. Oval poppies are hard to find (click here for picture) but the most interesting poppy for flower arrangements next to the clossis (an extremely large poppy, see click here for a picture of it).
R- red poppies mean pleasure while the word poppy in general means Eternal Sleep, Oblivion and Imagination.
S- self-sowing: Poppies are known to easily populate the area where they’ve been planted. They are not invasive though since they are easily pulled up. Poppies are frost tolerant and germinate best in cool weather and soil. Seeds should be sown in a sunny site as early as the ground can be worked in the spring.
T- tall poppy syndrome: If you tend to your garden and are successful in growing some flowers you will take the tallest, strongest specimen, cut it down and bring it indoors to be displayed. It is also a tendency in some cultures to attack and "cut down" visibly successful people. As long as diversity of values exists, there will always be people criticizing those icons that are held up as the "model" that we should inspire to be like. The tall poppy syndrome can refer to the behavioral trait of Australians to cut down those who are 'superior' to them. It is used to explain why most politicians, some academics, and the occasional millionaire, commands a level of community admiration inferior to that of a toilet cleaner.
U- urine analysis poppy seed: The consumption of poppy seeds in various foods may lead to a positive opiate result in urine subjected to testing for drugs of abuse. As a natural constituent of poppy seeds, thebaine was investigated as a possible marker for poppy seed consumption. Poppy seeds were examined for opiate content by gas chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry (GC-MS) after extraction with methanol. Urine samples spiked with thebaine and urine from subjects given 11 g of poppy seeds were tested for the presence of thebaine, codeine, and morphine. Street heroin, one morphine and one codeine tablet, and urine from individuals who had used heroin were also examined for thebaine. Urine specimens were screened by enzyme immunoassay (EMIT) and confirmed for thebaine by GC-MS using a solid-phase extraction method. The GC-MS assay showed a linear response over a range of 1-100 ng/mL and a limit of detection of 0.5 ng/mL. Thebaine was detectable in the urine of poppy seed eaters in concentrations ranging from 2 to 81 ng/mL. Because thebaine was absent in powdered drugs and the urine of true opiate drug users, thebaine is proposed as a direct marker for poppy seed use.
V- Variety of poppies to be found: The true poppy genus is Papaver, but many flowers of related genera are also called poppies. The most frequently cultivated are the Oriental poppy ( P. orientale ), usually bearing a large scarlet flower with a purplish black base, and the corn poppy ( P. rhoeas ) and its variety, the Shirley poppy. Other well-known species include the arctic Iceland poppy ( P. nudicaule ), the celandine poppy ( Stylophorum diphyllum ) of North America, and the cream cups ( Platystemon californica ) and California poppy, or eschscholtzia ( Eschscholtzia californica ), of the W United States (the latter is the state flower of California).
W- when to harvest papaver somniferum: When the flowers go to seed, scrape the seedpods with a pin. Do it all around the pod. As you do so, you will see little blobs of white coming out. Leave the wounds to seep for a few hours. A couple of hours later, go back and harvest your opium. By now, the white blobs will have turned into black tar that can be scraped off and collected on an old, blunt dinner knife or some such.
Y- Yes, poppies are great. They have an entire history behind them and everything!!Z-
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